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Testing & Accountability

Data is the yard stick by which Lenoir County Public Schools measures the progress of our students, the effectiveness of our curriculum and the performance of the school district itself. It is the job of Testing and Accountability to accumulate, analyze, report and help interpret that data, as well as to oversee the administering of the required state and federal tests that yield the information.

Student takes a test

Those tests include the North Carolina End-of-Grade (EOG), English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics assessments in grades 3-8, as well as the North Carolina End-of-Grade (EOG) Science assessment in grades 5 and 8. For high schools, these assessments include the North Carolina End-of-Course (EOC) assessments in English II, Math I, Math III, and Biology, as well as the ACT, Pre-ACT, and ACT WorkKeys. The ACCESS assessment is administered to all students in grade K-12 identified as English Learners (EL). Based on their educational needs, alternate assessments can be administered to students with disabilities as identified through the Exceptional Children’s (EC) program. LCPS incorporates Benchmark assessments to measure student growth throughout the school year as they prepare to demonstrate their learning on state assessments. 

Prior to, during and after the assessment process, Testing and Accountability safeguards the data collection process in order to ensure the most accurate and complete information is used to measure student improvement and report results. 

Student assessments provide the basis for the evaluation tools schools use to plan for the future and for schools and their teachers to make adjustments that strengthen the learning process.

Often during the school year, teachers will offer advice to parents about preparing their children for testing sessions and schools will enlist the help of parents in building the foundation of successful test-taking. LCPS appreciates that parents and guardians recognize the importance of these assessments in tracking student progress and individualizing their instruction.